About Bones & Spock

Bones is my turtle. Spock is my plecostomus (algae eater). They have a very complex relationship that very often involves ramming into each other for a piece of food that only one of them is actually capable of eating because they’re both kind of stupid.

This site will document the day-to-day lives of Bones (of Star Trek fame, though I will not try to claim that my turtle acted in it. Although if Karl Urban wants to call me up and be like, “Hey, mate, it’s totally cool for your turtle to be in Star Trek so long as he doesn’t poop on me” I would be okay with that.) and of Spock (also of Star Trek fame, mostly because Bones needed a companion and a boring, stoic, vegetarian fish that doesn’t take Bones’ shit seemed like an appropriate fit).

Bones used to have a companion turtle named Grimm, but over the Christmas holidays of 2013, Grimm got sick with a respiratory infection that he just couldn’t shake, no matter how religiously I gave him antibiotics. RIP Grimm.

Bones didn’t even seem to notice when he disappeared from the tank. What an asshole.

Anyway. I’m Jessica. I’m a jewelry designer and graphic artist whenever I’m not caring for the turtle (which was 100% of the time up until recently). I like Star Trek, DOOM, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Supernatural, The 13th Warrior, and RED, so there may be gratuitous sci-fi references thrown around my blog. I’m sorry if I confuse people. There may also be a little bit of swearing, but that will be entirely the turtle’s fault. He has a potty mouth.

That’s what happens when you name your turtles after a grumpy country doctor.


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