So I caught Bones sleeping with his eyes open…

To look at him, you’d have thought he was just the most chill turtle in the world, sitting there on his little floating platform with his head stuck out and his legs all tucked in, just watching you calmly. The complete picture of bliss. At one with his environment, totally okay with you and what you were doing. The kind of turtle you could put a little hat on or put on a skateboard. 

Nope. He was dead asleep. With his eyes open and his nose stuffed in the corner.

How do I know he’s not just a really chill turtle? Because normally, if he sees me, he freaks out and runs into the water and dives to the bottom of the tank, flailing frantically as he tries to hide behind a piece of driftwood or Spock (who looks like a piece of driftwood). This is his modus operandi. 

So, given that he was so completely zonked out, I decided to see how close I could get. Eventually, I was standing a foot away from him and he was still asleep, so I gave up.

And then not two minutes after I filmed that, he finally woke up, saw me sitting on the couch, and ran off of his platform fast enough that he knocked one of the outside magnets loose. Good job, Bones. This is why you can’t have nice things. 

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