I know I haven’t posted for a while, but today, I caught Bones sleeping in an oddly hilarious pose, which was really unfortunate because I was drinking something at the time.

So, I present to you my very happy, somewhat flamboyant turtle:

Cute turtle sunbathing

Aww, yis. Dis is de life!

And while I’m at it, I figured I’d upload a few other photos for you guys, just to make it worth your while:

Oh! This is noms?

Oh! This is noms?

Am I pretty? Tell me I'm pretty. TELL ME I'M PRETTY.

Am I pretty? Tell me I’m pretty. TELL ME I’M PRETTY.

This is NOT the noms I was promised!

This is NOT the noms I was promised!



And, for anyone who’s interested, he’s now a hefty 3.5″ in (8.75 cm) long in the shell now! This should probably mean that he’ll get to puberty sometime next year and I’ll be able to tell what gender he actually is. Maybe. Turtles are finicky things and my gendering skills aren’t that great, but by the time he’s in the range of 4 – 5″, I should be able to figure it out.

Bones, I will laugh so hard if you’re a chick.